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BCP Solution NEXTSET Workflow for Office 365 (Electronic Workflow)

Make an optimized your business process on Office 365

NEXTSET Workflow for Office 365 is cloud based Workflow service which make your business process simple, fast and optimized. You can create various workflow such as Leave Application, Transportation Application, Payment Request on your Office 365.

SharePoint's workflow functionality isn't enough. I want to put together more complex workflows.

I want to be able to send and approve applications from home or other places, for fast decision-making.

I want records of approval processes and operational logs for stronger corporate governance.

  • Work seamlessly with Office 365

Provided as SaaS(Software as a Service), you can start to use immediately if you have Office 365 environment.

  • Make complex Workflow simplefied

You can create complex workflow such as conditional branching, sequential approval process, parallel approval process easily.

  • Support Smart Devices

Supports smart devices such as smart phones, tablets, so you can submit and approve applications anytime, anywhere.

What KDDI can do

  1. KDDI engineers can provide total support for every step of the way: defining requirements, design, creation, operation, and maintenance.
  2. Support in English, Local language and Japanese.
  3. Create a portal site for you that incorporates Microsoft 365, and provide training on how to get the most out of Microsoft 365.


Request a quote for NEXTSET Workflow for Office 365 here.

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.